[PART 1] The Most Annoying DIY Ideas of All Time - You’ll Regret Reading These DIY-WHYs

[PART 1] The Most Annoying DIY Ideas of All Time - You’ll Regret Reading These DIY-WHYs

Those 5 minutes craft videos you scroll through once a day, that intriguing DIY project you saw on Pinterest, and that happening reel tutorial you reacted to on Instagram - all of that probably makes sense until it’s time for some reality check.

Let’s put it straight, not all DIY projects turn out the way they were meant to, and sometimes, the results can be both funny and an inspiring story titled - What Definitely Not To Do Even In The Laziest Of Times”

I am not saying DIY, crafts, and such creative efforts are not worth it - they are love. I myself used to gift all of my teachers customized pen holders that I made from scrap glitters, charts, and colorful tapes. But the DIY fails I am going to share today are what you didn’t see coming.

Watch out!

1:- The Slipped-Up Slippers

barefoot slippers DIY

With a lot of leisure time comes a lot of creativity (so much of something ruins everything!)

Who would have thought the incognito mode would come to reality in the form of these DIY barefoot shoes!

Ended up not only ruining the feet but a nice pair of footwear.

2: Smiling Stones - Freak The $#!T Out

smile art on stones

You can’t unsee it!

These DIY happy-go-lucky stones are definitely what came to my mind when I first read the idea. Couldn’t believe something non-living could still look so happy, yet so creepy.

3:- Is It Grandma On a Drive?

grandma style old car decor

If someone wouldn’t have mentioned it was a car, I swear I’d mistaken it for my granny’s closet. As if the print wasn’t enough, the bows added more reasons why you shouldn’t try this DIY idea at all!

4:- The Bum-kin Bowl

Baby Bum Impressions on Plate

After growing up and seeing these bum-py memories from childhood, Ronan would be like - “ How could you do this to me? More than that, WHY???

We all feel you 'lil bum-kin!

5:- Preserving Memories - Straight Outta Creep

Saved the best for the last - curse later!

Kids Toys Preserved in Jars

If this was how my parents “preserved” my childhood memories, I’d better go through trauma in my adulthood.

No, Suzie, you don’t put plush toys in sealed jars to freak kids out!

These are just the favorites of why I don’t easily go with every DIY idea I see on my feed. Someone had to be the bad guy and I did it for you, so you don’t have to regret it.

Thank me later!

Ankita Gairola