About Author

I’m a poem,

Without rhymes.

A song,


A story,


Find me watching sunsets, hiking up the trails, setting out on adventures of my own, running towards the rain, and when you find me nowhere around these - you will find me binge-eating on my bed with, of course, a nice horror movie!

Hey there, I am Ankitaa and this is my happy place.

My earliest memory of writing is when I was 5 years old, penning down my thoughts in the form of poetry I dedicated to my superhero - my mother.

Didn’t realize when a carefree kid playing with words around the figures in her life turned into a girl who loves to put thoughts as they come #nofilters. Not to mention, I am not heartbroken, but my writings definitely feel like coming out of the darkest cave with a hole of hope around…or maybe not always. It’s not always the happy endings right, sometimes, it’s happy beginnings, journeys, moments, and glimpses of glories.

When not writing, you will catch me grooving to my favorite beats, cooking a 5-course meal, planning my next meal, next outfit, and next mood.

I am fond of many things and this blog is dedicated to everything I am interested in. So whether you are in for quick prose, a cooking tip, travel guide, beauty blog, or the woo-doo-doo on your list - you might find the right information here.

Got some suggestions or want to be a part of my journey - you are warmly welcome!